Tuesday, July 7, 2020

July update for Presbytery Women's Ministry

July 7, 2020

Hello Ladies -

Here’s a quick update of all that is happening (and NOT happening right now!) with Presbytery Women’s Ministry in the Mississippi Valley, due to the Coronavirus and current situation in our country. 

We are still “on hold” since the decision was made in early March to postpone the Coffee & Connection that month at Wynndale, and now we have also postponed the C&C that was set for July at Lakeland.  Both churches would like to host a C&C sometime in the future, when things are up and running again. 

Many of the MS Valley churches are just now beginning to gather for worship, and trying to keep everyone distanced.  All the churches that I know of are not yet meeting for Sunday school classes or any groups of more than 10 people, so it’s not feasible to try to host large groups yet for a Coffee & Connection, or try to “talk around the table” while maintaining our distance.  Many women would not be willing to attend at this point, either. 

We have not been meeting for Lunch Bunch, since restaurants were closed, and things are still sketchy with travel and any type of social settings as things begin to open again.  So we have continued to wait (and pray!) and we have not had any Presbytery-wide women’s meetings offered since March, 2020.

For future updates, please check back on this blogsite and the Facebook pages listed below.  We will let you know when upcoming events are back on the schedule!   Also, please check the Facebook group for prayer requests and FEEL FREE TO POST prayer requests, questions, comments and encouraging words there, too!  These groups were created for women to connect with each other!

The national team has posts on their website (pcacdm.org) and registration information for the regional “Hinged” conferences, starting with the one in Birmingham to be held September 18-19.

Please continue to pray for the pastors, leaders and churches of our Presbytery, and for the PCA, and all of our brothers and sisters in Christ, here and around the world!  This is such an unusual time in the life of our country and the whole world.  But thankfully, we can trust that our loving and powerful God is in control!

“Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail.  They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.”  Lamentations 3:22-23 NIV

Looking to Him, and with much love and prayers for you all,

Women’s Ministry Coordinator
Presbytery of the Mississippi Valley

Find us on Facebook!  Join these 3 groups for our Presbytery, Region, and Denomination:
MS Valley Women’s Ministry
Connect PCA: Mid-South Women’s Ministry
Connect PCA Women’s Ministry

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