Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Letter to the Women in the Churches of the Presbytery of the Mississippi Valley



September 17, 2015
Hello, Dear Sisters and Sister Churches!
It is with great joy and gratitude in my heart that I am writing to you today, to share good news and invite you to be a part of something FRESH and NEW in the very near future!
With the approaching change of seasons, we are approaching a new season in women’s ministry in the Presbytery of the Mississippi Valley!  In recent years, we have seen many changes in organized women’s ministry in our local churches, and in the PCA nationwide.  Amidst these changes, many women have served on the Women’s Ministry Team for our presbytery, reaching out to connect with women in these 50 churches. 
Hebrews 10:23-25 says “Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.  And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.  Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching.”
We are so thankful that God continues to lead, encourage, and build His Church!  Yes, He is faithful!  Our Team members continue to meet monthly to pray for you and share updates from the local churches.  We call and meet with local women’s ministry teams and leaders, and visit with large and small groups of women.  We discuss ideas to help revitalize the women’s ministry in our presbytery.  We want you to know that as we have gotten in touch, we have listened to you and heard your hearts.  Please be encouraged and know that you are not alone!  Many of you have expressed a desire to get together with women from sister churches, to share helpful ideas and resources, learn from each other, ask questions, and encourage and connect with each other. 
Therefore, we are pleased to invite you to the first…

 “Coffee & Connection”
Saturday morning, November 7, 2015
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Brandon Presbyterian Church (in the fellowship hall)
209 S. College St., Brandon, MS  39042
 Please come and gather around the table with women from our sister churches!  This will be a casual and fun time to learn and share ideas with one another.  Enjoy a cup of coffee and great conversation!  Take time to catch up with each other.  Hear some encouraging stories. 
We will have light snacks, good news and plenty of smiles to share… all we need is YOU!
There is NO charge, NO need to pre-register, NO need to bring anything… except the women from your church!  Feel free to wear your jeans, and come on over!  We will see you soon!

With Much Love in Christ,
Shelli Robison
Women’s Ministry Team Leader, Serving the Presbytery of the Mississippi Valley
Call or text me at anytime!  601-506-2782
P.S. Please share this invitation and the poster & bulletin insert with ladies in your church!

              We are praying for you!                        

Monday, September 21, 2015

To ALL the ladies
in the Churches of the Mississippi Valley Presbytery!
We are pleased to invite you to the first…
 “Coffee & Connection”
Saturday morning, November 7, 2015
9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Brandon Presbyterian Church (in the fellowship hall)
209 S. College St., Brandon, MS  39042
Please come and gather around the table with women from our sister churches!  This will be a casual and fun time to learn and share ideas with one another.  Enjoy a cup of coffee and great conversation!  Take time to catch up with each other.  Hear some encouraging stories.   
We will have light snacks, good news and plenty of smiles to share… all we need is YOU! 
There is NO charge, NO need to pre-register, NO need to bring anything… except the women from your church!  Feel free to wear your jeans, and come on over! 
Join our “MS Valley Women’s Ministry” Facebook group to learn more!
Not on Facebook?  Look here!
We look forward to seeing you soon!
The Women’s Ministry Team Serving the Presbytery of the Mississippi Valley